Timothy Wittneben's Sports Betting Scam

SCAM ALERT! www.probabilityfactor.com SCAM ALERT!


Check out the 'Death Threats' page and the 'Where To Contact Him' page which detail the past scams and alias of Timothy Wittneben.



This page is a warning about Timothy Wittneben and his wife Francine Wittneben who run a scam at  www.probabilityfactor.com

Many people have been ripped off by Timothy Wittneben. He is a smooth talking con artist, that is until he gets your money, and when you try and confront him about it the smooth talk goes away to be replaced by threats and abuse.

He offers a free trial where you can recieve his bets, which win and win. But when you pay your money and recieve the realtime bets they are totally different to the bets on the free trial, and of course do not win at all.

So How Does He Do it?

Internet betting is not just about straight up win/loss affairs. For example you can actually bet on whether the total combined score of a game will be under or over a certain amount.

These UNDER and OVER bets are the sort that Timothy Wittneben sends out, he scans the games that are already 10-15 minutes in progress, and emails you a recommendation that looks like it will be a sure thing based on the early stages of play.

Basketball Bet Example

INTERNET BET  Chicago Bulls v LA Lakers  -  220 Points  -  UNDER $1.90   OVER $1.90

The Chicago Bulls and LA Lakers had been  playing for 10 minutes in the first quarter and the score was only 5-6 (Total of 11). It's obviously a very defensive low scoring game, and there is a very high probability the final game total will never get above 220.

So Timothy Witt quickly sends out an email to you on the free trial, and only 10 minutes into the game.

TRIAL EMAIL SENT  =  Chicago Bulls v LA Lakers - BET UNDER 220.5

Baseball Bet Example

INTERNET BET   Red Sox v NY Yankees  -  8.5 Runs  -  UNDER $1.90   OVER $1.90

In this baseball game after only the first innings, the score was 5 -2 (Total 7). There are nine innings per side in baseball, so if after only the first innings the score is already totalling 7, then there is a huge chance that the final total of this game will be more than 8.5

Timothy Witt then quickly sends an email to you only 10 minutes into the game.

TRIAL EMAIL SENT =  Red Sox v NY Yankees - BET OVER 8.5

Scam Recap

So now you know how he has such a high win % in the trial emails. I have witnessed over 70 real bets that he sent out. Only 33 of them won giving a win rate of 47 %. Worse than tossing a coin. During this same period he sent out about 100 trial bets with close to 90 of them winning for a win rate of 86 %.

Help Stop This

I urge anyone reading this website, if you see Timothy Witt posting his advertisements for his scam on any web forums or newsgroups please register at the forum and post a reply to his spam with a link to this website :


There is another great way we can screw this scammer, and that is to pose as a sucker who is interested in his service, and when he gives you details on how to pay him we can close down his avenues for collecting payment.

You need to ring him on 702-240-7412 in order to start getting his emails and payment info.

Paypal -  When he gives you an email address that you send payment to, contact Paypal's fraud department and file an official complaint. Also mention that Timothy Wittneben has had his accounts with Paypal closed before (he has) and that they should look at the history of him and his wife Francine Wittneben.

Western Union  -  When using this service you have to provide your home address to collect payment, probably one of the reasons why Timothy Wittneben has had to move state and change his phone numbers and websites so many times. So contact Western Union and make an official complaint regarding this fraudster

Credit Card  -  If he has billed your credit card you are entitled to contact your bank and request a chargeback for his fraudulent behaviour in not providing the goods he so promised. The good thing about this one is that you are able to find out which bank he is using to process payment, so you can then contact his bank directly and make official complaints to their fraud department and demand they do an investigation on him.

The above tactics can be applied to Moneygram, E-Gold or any of the other payment processing avenues that Timothy Witt has used over the years.

All it takes is a simple email or a phone call on your part and we can stop him from ripping off people.