Death Threats From Timothy Wittneben


When I first set about creating this website of  exposing Timothy Witt, I sent it out to various people who had been scammed by him. In a desperate bid to stop the website from being published he resorted to using death threats and creating a great fantasy story about being involved with the Las Vegas mafia.

The problem was that Timothy Witt's detective work was not up to scratch and he sent this email to some poor smuck who had nothing to with the website!! He also called this poor guy on his phone and made numerous death threats to him and his family.

At the end of his email Timothy Witt asks the guy to give him a call on his phone number. Why don't you?


In order for me to operate out of Vegas, I have to pay those who run the show.  That averages approx. 10grand a week.  They look forward to their money.  I do the work and they get 1/2 of what I make.  It's not
negotiatable, I have a family.
    When I received your E-mail I knew I had to do something.  I wasn't looking forward to a confrontation.  Can you imagine the look on their faces when they show up to collect and I tell them I have nothing for them because
of you !
    I'm just a little Jew who knows how to make money.  Being I have no idea who you are, there was really nothing I could do when I saw your postings in newgroups.  I sent you an E-mail about a year ago under a false name asking you to either call me or to give me your phone number so I could call you.
You never responded.
    I just worked harder to make up for the money I was losing because of you. I didn't look forward to dealing with them.  They want their money no matter what.  After receiving this E-mail, I realize you've chosen to take
it to a new level.  You've put me in a situation where if I don't produce I get my head broken.  I have a wife and 4 kids, I can't afford to get hurt.
    With ******, at least I knew who he was and where.  You are a completely different story.  At 9:00am this morning I made a phone call and gave them your E-mail address.  One hour later I was told you are **** ***** of ********* ******, California. 888-888-8888.  They're very resourseful as I'm
sure you can imagine.  It was suggested before anyone does anything that I give you a call.  I called you at 10:30am this morning.  After 4 rings your machine came on.  You might find it in your best interest to speak with me prior to doing anything foolish.
    You're not 10,000 miles away in ********.  You're right there in
******** ******.  I really don't remember you, but that's neither here nor there.  When I decide to send a message to someone I use E-mail or the phone.  Not everyone acts that way.  This is Vegas.  These guys are Huge.
When it comes to money, some people still handle situations the old fashion way.  I hope you realize the gravity of the situation you've put me in.
I will try calling you again later.  Hopefully we can straighten this out between just you and me.  My number is below if you'd like to call me when
you receive this E-mail.

            Tim Witt  702-240-7412



And a few days later Timothy Wittneben is getting really desperate, he has again mistaken who I am. He threatened this poor smuck that he will ruin him and his family as a neo nazi.


I'm not going to waste my time putting something together to stop #### ####.  That's right, you'd be surprised how easy it was to get to give me everything I suspected.   I'm not wasting my time with ####.  Not when I have everything ready.   I am going after you, and in particular, your family !   You're the one pulling the strings.  As long as he has that site up, I'm your worst nightmare.  Telling me you're taking down the site.  You lying FUCK.
    Starting today your walls start falling down.  I'm going to ruin you, and your family.
You'll be lucky if you can hide in the #####, you Nazi bastard.  You're going to learn to hate the word "JEW" even more than your posts on the internet claim.  Every Nazi thing I can find I'm putting up on my own website dedicated to destroying your family.
    You made the mistake of telling me you have kids, that's where I'm starting.
    FUCK them and FUCK YOU.   #####, here I come !
Check your E-mail in a couple days, you'll be able to read plenty about your love of Nazi's and Hitler.  I'll send you links to every post I put up, just like your buddy ##### did just to piss me off last night.  Irony is I made $5000 because of one of his posts.
    You can't stop me from saying anything I want all over ######.  It's not that fucking big of a city.   Every forum in #### ###### that I've found is going to have a post with a link to my new website exposing your hatred of Jews.  I might even use  20mg of webspace free.
    You're going to rue the day you made contact with me again.  Have your kids put their heads between their legs and kiss their ass goodbye.  They'll be known as The Little Nazi's thanks to you and your buddy #####.